Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fellas correct me if I'm wrong

On the Tyra show I was watching as these teens were discussing abusive relationships and this girl, who used to get beat by her man, said he stopped hitting her but he walks away and cools down and comes back like nothing. she said "Well wait a minute, we were just in an argument. I want to finish it." Ladies let me you in on a brief secret men don't much care to argue. Most times they don't see the point. Women argue to win and to make a point. Ladies, you can be right or you can be happy. If you have an important point to make its probably best not to make it in the mist of fighting. All he hears is yelling and goes into defense mode. More often than not a fight is over something stupid or is running because emotions are involved. I have found that a man is more responsive when I just tell him what my problem is, for example, if I asked him to do something and he didn't do it, I would tell him I feel like you don't take me seriously and my feelings get hurt because I need to feel like a priority in your life. That worked a lot better then going off with the "you don't ever do anything I ask you to...I told you 6 times to take out the trash and...blah blah" More often than not, a woman is mad for a reason other than what she's screaming about, and more often than not a man would be more responsive if you expressed that instead of yelling. And if its not that important, don't waste your breath...tell your girls cuz you know they will get it. You get it off your chest and boom, problem solved. CHECK.